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Read moreWell, let me tell you, headaches and migraines, they ain’t the same thing, not by a long shot! You see, headaches are more common, just like that pesky neighbor who...
Read moreHey, let me tell ya somethin’ about that ol’ thing folks call “camel toe.” Now, I ain’t no fancy city lady, but this camel toe trouble—it’s all about them tight...
Read moreBibimbap,这个,是韩国一种特别受欢迎的饭,啥都有,米饭、蔬菜,还有肉嘞鸡蛋啥的。人家韩国人吃这个当主食,咱们看着也挺馋,是吧?不过呢,您要问我这Bibimbap营养咋样,好不好,那我今儿个就来跟您唠唠。 一份Bibimbap的基本营养 平常嘞,一份Bibimbap,大约162克,咱说这个份量嘞,就差不多一碗饭。这样一份里头,您能摄取到约130大卡的热量。热量也不算多,吃完了也不会觉得腻。里头大概有4.7克的脂肪,8.9克的蛋白质,还有14克的碳水化合物。这些数字嘞,对咱普通人来讲,简单说就是不胖人、也顶饿。 不过呢,Bibimbap的热量其实根据料的不同会变,您要是里头加了肥牛嘞,烤肉啥的,那可就不是130大卡了,能一下子飙到500-600大卡哩。这不,像是加了牛肉的Bibimbap,热量能到680大卡,啥概念呢?一整顿饭的量呢! Bibimbap里都有什么营养成分? 蛋白质:一碗普通的Bibimbap,蛋白质有8.9克左右,这要是加了牛肉鸡蛋的,蛋白质能到25-30克呢!吃完了身体有劲儿,还能饱肚子。 脂肪:看情况哈,普通的Bibimbap脂肪有4.7克,挺健康的。但要是放多了肉,那脂肪也跟着多,10-15克的脂肪也是有的。 碳水化合物:主要是米饭里来的,14克差不多吧。要是吃大份的,多放点饭,那碳水化合物就蹭蹭往上涨,能有80-100克哩。 除了这些主要的营养嘞,Bibimbap里头还有不少维生素。您想,菜多,尤其是像胡萝卜嘞、菠菜嘞、豆芽这些,里头维生素多,对身体有好处呢,特别是维生素A和维生素C。咱们吃的家常菜,往往没有这么多讲究,这一碗下去,身子骨也跟着强壮点。 Bibimbap对健康有啥好处? 我跟您讲,这个Bibimbap哈,吃着好,不光是味道上,营养上也不赖。里头蔬菜多,尤其韩国那种泡菜和菠菜,里头的纤维高嘞,能帮助消化。再说了,这饭还低糖,糖尿病人也能吃点,不会升血糖,合适呢。 还有,您如果吃的是素Bibimbap,那脂肪更少,健康得很。就是家里平常那些简单的豆芽、菠菜配米饭,也能自个儿做出个简版Bibimbap,不用担心热量高。 怎么做Bibimbap更健康? 想Bibimbap健康点儿嘞,咱就少放点肉,别全用肥肉,您可以试试放鸡胸肉。鸡胸肉脂肪少、蛋白质多,吃完不容易发胖。再一个呢,米饭也能换成杂粮饭,比如糙米饭嘞,全麦饭啥的,吃着不一样,但更健康,里头的营养丰富。 最后嘞,做的时候可以少用油,别把菜炒太油腻,清清淡淡地放点酱料就行了。韩国人爱放辣酱,味儿重,咱自己做的时候可以少放一点,或者用点低盐的酱。 总结来说 这一碗Bibimbap哈,味道丰富、营养全,吃着健康,偶尔吃吃挺好。不管是想减肥嘞,还是想健康点,适当的份量是最好的。可别贪嘴,一碗半碗就够,千万别天天吃大碗,啥东西多了都不好嘛! 这么说下来,您看这Bibimbap的营养,也就那样吧!吃啥都讲究个适量,咱里常说,啥都是粗茶淡饭,天天清淡点,人能活得长! Tags:
Read moreOh, let me tell ya, this thing called cleansing shot is somethin’ else! These days, folks always talkin’ about drinkin’ somethin’ that gives their body a good ol’ clean-up, kinda...
Read moreWell, talkin’ about organic golden raisins, lemme tell ya, these lil’ golden treats pack a whole lotta goodness in ’em! Now, I ain’t some fancy talker, but I can tell...
Read moreAh, black raisins, you know? Those little wrinkled black things, dried-up grapes they are, but don’t let their looks fool you. These tiny bites pack a lot of good stuff...
Read moreOh, you wanna know ’bout this green tea exfoliating scrub? Well, let me tell ya, it’s somethin’ special for yer skin! Green tea, you see, it’s got loads of good...
Read moreOh honey, I tell ya, folks are gettin’ real creative with all sorts of stuff these days, especially when it comes to what they put on their hair. Now, I...
Read moreHey there! Want them lashes lookin’ all long and thick without payin’ a fortune? Well, let me tell ya, you don’t need none of them fancy high-dollar serums. Right from...
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