You know, these raw walnuts, huh, they’re a bit of a mixed bag, if you ask me. Folks nowadays say raw nuts are better, less of that salt and oil...
Read moreYou know, these raw walnuts, huh, they’re a bit of a mixed bag, if you ask me. Folks nowadays say raw nuts are better, less of that salt and oil...
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Read moreAh, lookin’ at how folks get all wound up these days, ya just know somethin’ ain’t right in folks’ minds. Sometimes ya see a person just lookin’ down in the...
Read moreCan Autism Get Worse with Stress? Well, let me tell ya, autism itself, it don’t really “get worse” just ’cause of stress, ya know? But what can happen is, if...
Read moreYou know, takin’ care of my ol’ father, it’s takin’ over my whole life. I ain’t never thought it’d be like this, like every day’s just a long stretch of...
Read moreOh, let me tell ya about this thing with tomato and milk – folks seem to wonder if they’re good together or if mixing ’em up will mess with the...
Read more你们要是问我嘞,那韩国人用的那些头发产品嘞,还真是好得很呢!我都听说啦,那些个韩国女人头发嘞,又亮又顺,很多人都说是天生的,但也少不了用这些瓶瓶罐罐的保养品。今天我就来给你们说说这个Korean hair care products,你们都留着听听哈! 韩国的护发讲究得很,最重要的就是头皮护理,他们可是把头皮当脸皮来伺候的!啥意思呢?就是说他们会定时用一些去角质的产品来清理头皮的油脂和污垢,这样头发的根才能长得好。就像我们种地,你地里的土疙瘩都清了,那种的庄稼才能结好果儿嘛。头皮干净了,头发也更顺滑啦! 他们有些个产品呢,便宜又实用,比如那个Elizavecca CER-100 Collagen Ceramide Coating Protein Treatment,可有名了,几块钱就买得下。我听人说这个是头发的“营养餐”,洗完头抹一抹,头发就又软又亮!要是头发像草似的干,这个嘞就正合适! 再说说那个Dr. Orga Alpine Rose Shampoo,这洗发水嘞,天然得很,里头什么化学东西都没有,据说洗完头发不掉得厉害,还让头发根扎得牢。这瓶子虽然有点贵,但比起老掉头发来,我觉得值! 那除了洗发护发,他们呀还有一种保养油,叫米绞生头发精华油,这个油他们用了十几年了,说是老有名气了。抹完后头发亮得跟玉米粒儿似的!这个呢,适合早晚洗完头抹一抹,不油腻,发尾嘞也不会开叉。我听人说,这油真是啥发质都合适! 还有哦,他们说芝麻油和洋葱油对头皮和头发也有好处呢!芝麻油你们知道吧,抹完那叫一个亮嘞!洋葱油也行,听说还能让头发长得快。但这油味儿重,一般洗头之后抹得薄薄的一层就成,别整多了。韩国人还会每周蒸一回头发,就像我们给种子催芽似的,让头发软化补水,头皮不干燥,头发自然长得快。 他们的护发可真讲究,有时候一套护发产品就分几步。比如呢,有去头皮屑的精华液、去角质的磨砂膏,用这些清清爽爽后,再上发膜啥的。我觉得他们这个保养法还挺合算的,头皮干净了,头发顺了。 你们再想要头发好,平时护理可不能少!啥意思?就是说洗头要有规律,还得用这些好用的护发产品,啥米绞生精华啦,芝麻油啦,偶尔换换洗发水啥的,让头发多点营养。韩国人用这些东西不是随便用的,头皮干净了,头发亮了,别说,这也是个讲究! 所以嘞,姐妹们要是想要韩国人那样亮亮的头发,学点这些护发小招也行! Tags:
Read moreOh, you know, sometimes folks just look in the mirror and see them pores gettin’ bigger on their face, wonderin’ what in the world’s goin’ on. Now, don’t worry, it’s...
Read moreOh, honey, I tell ya, when it comes to this hair business in the humidity, it’s a real struggle. You wake up all happy with smooth hair, but as soon...
Read moreNow, when we’re talkin’ about glycerin, honey, pectin, and aloe vera, let me tell ya, these are some things right from nature that folks have used for a long time....
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